Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 in total

Episode #1 Historical Context

The federal government in the early days of the nation was weak and ineffective. Citizens actually rebelled against the power of the central government by taking up ar...

Episode #2 Freedoms of Expression

We focus on four of the freedoms guaranteed by the 1st Amendment: Press, Petition, Assembly, and Speech. How are we to understand these freedoms both as citizens, and ...

Episode #3 Freedom of Religion

We examine Freedom of Religion, as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. This episode is in two parts - created by Madison and his peers: the Establ...

Episode #4 Search and Seizure

We look at the 4th Amendment. What does the right to privacy mean, and what rights do we have as American citizens to protection from an unreasonable search and seizur...

Episode #5 Criminal Self Incrimination

What is the process of being taken into police custody? What happens to you, either as a citizen or a military member once you have been arrested? Everyone has heard o...

Episode #6 Judicial Procedure

What does judicial procedure look like as an accused citizen. What does the right to a speedy trial mean? Are there any limitations to your right to counsel? What is b...

Episode #7 Federalism, State's Rights and the Role of the 14th

How did the Founders handle Federalism and State's Rights - that perpetually delicate balance. How does the 14th Amendment address these issues? Our constitution and o...

Episode #8 Special Edition: 2nd and 3rd Amendments

What are your rights as they are shaped by the 2nd and the 3rd Amendment. What are the colonial Origins and Interpretations of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms? What we...

The Oath of Office Itself

What is the genesis of an Oath of Office that we take when we join the Naval service? Where does General Washington come in and what was his impact on an Oath? What do...